The Clik n’ Stik™ Disposable Septic Filter Model# 45
•Two stage Septic Tank Outlet Filter
•Installed in standard 4 inch SDR 35 or SCH 40 plastic septic tank outlet TEE
•Disposable. Remove center “stick” and slide on a new filter element
•Extend thru risers with 3/4” SCH 40 PVC or ABS pipe and coupler

Total Open Area of all ACTIVE FILTRATION (below invert): 45.0 sq. in.
Total Open Area of PRIMARY FILTRATION: 35.3 sq. in.
Total Open Area of SECONDARY FILTRATION (below invert): 9.7 sq. in.
Total Open Area of SECONDARY FILTRATION (above invert): 8.1 sq. in.
Total Open Area of ENTIRE FILTER: 53.1 sq. in.
EQUIVALENT of 1/16” slot filtration (PRIMARY): 47.0 feet
EQUIVALENT of 1/16” slot filtration (SECONDARY below invert): 12.9 feet
EQUIVALENT of 1/16” slot filtration (ACTIVE- below invert): 60 feet
EQUIVALENT of 1/16” slot filtration (ENTIRE FILTER): 70.8 feet
•Extend up thru riser with 3/4” pipe and coupler
•Primary element may extend BELOW
outlet tee- closed bottom will not short circuit. Extra filter area gained
•Eliminates bypassing in short tees.
•Compatible with 12” ASTM tee usage.
US Patent No. 6447680