Alternating Siphon Cuebox Job 1

Flout 001fix

A retrofit of two failed alternating siphons with two 4 inch diameter Flouts, one with 17 inches drawdown, the other with 22 inches. drawdown.

Location: Geneva, NY

Date: November 2008

Engineer: Bernard Pulver, PE

Installer: Ribble Septic  



The original dual siphons had failed. Before failure however, the two fields being dosed were of different size, causing the smaller field  to be overdosed.  An alternating Flout system was built to have two different drawdowns. Now the smaller field would receive the correct size dose!

After removing the chamber lid, the old siphons were cut out. New plumbing was connected to the old siphon vents and the old traps were filled with mortar. The new connections were made using the Foam and Cement method. New connections were usable within a hour.  Solid concrete blocks secure the CueBox and form landing pads for the different drawdown Flouts.


Total install time was less than 6 hours. A down turned inlet pipe stills the incoming flow from the pump chamber. A 1/4 hole under the elbow prevents back siphoning.

Ribble Job



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Rissy Plastics, LLC, 350 Cedar Lane, Torrington, CT 06790 USA, +1-860-482-1645
     Call or text  Jim directly  at +1-860-459-9995 or email         ©2023 Rissy Plastics, LLC